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Is it weird for me to like Anthony when I'm a guy? I REALLY like Anthony. Like I buy his t-shirts and I try to act like him and dress like him and I have his haircut.... Posted over a year ago
LukasQuincy said about Anthony Padilla
Hey guys! Anthony's pretty cool! Posted over a year ago
LukasQuincy said about Anime
I heard that Serial Experiments Lain is a BBFC 12+ rating (the equivalent of PG-13) and I'm pretty depressed already. So I just want to know, what is the Depressing stuff in it? I can deal with suicide and drugs, but what is the rest? And is it worth buying the parts from MVM (around 4.00, the equivalent of $6.00) or the boxset (around 30.00, the equivalent of $45.00) Posted over a year ago
Katherine1517 commented…
It's a fantastic series overall but, in terms of the emotional level, well, it would have to be Lain's friendship with Arisu and how the ending was played out. It's still at least worth a watch, in my opinion. :) over a year ago
LukasQuincy commented…
I'm definitely going to watch the series. I guess I'll stream it first before I dish out money for it. over a year ago
LukasQuincy said about Anime
What's the age rating for Iwatobi Swim Club... Just wondering.. Posted over a year ago
panisepic commented…
The company gave it a PG-13 rating (found on and AnimeNewsNetwork gave it a mild rating towards objectionable content. Personally I think it's more PG than PG-13 but yeah that's what the company said. over a year ago
Yukilollipop commented…
age 10+ over a year ago
Yukilollipop commented…
no inappropriate content over a year ago
LukasQuincy said about Anime
Hey, does anyone know Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, or A Certain Scientific Railgun? I was wondering what rating it is because the DVD is unrated. Posted over a year ago
dontmindmeyo commented…
I own the first Vol of the manga, it says Teen. I checked for the anime online though, just to make sure. 13+/ over a year ago
LukasQuincy said about Anime
If you like Tomoko Kuroki, the main character of WataMote, then please join her fan club:
link Posted over a year ago
MinaKushiFC2 gave me props for my articles
hi Posted over a year ago
LukasQuincy said about Anime

Do you think that Watamote is suitable for kids? I was just wondering to see what it contains, since it doesn't have an age rating... Posted over a year ago
dontmindmeyo commented…
No, no way. It talks about things like being molested, porn, and panties, so I don't think it's really a kid show. over a year ago
Cutepet87 commented…
Yeah, if he already to the point of no return, why not? :D over a year ago
panisepic commented…
In that case it's probably okay, the stuff in question is all brought up in a really joking/misinterpreted matters. over a year ago
LukasQuincy said about Anime
Otaku annoyances with the normal world! Part 1

People calling anime "cartoons"
People who think that Naruto is from Pokemon
People who think that manga are "back to front"
People who are racist about Japanese anime. Someone said "ching chang china" after I said that I watch anime in Japanese with subs. Posted over a year ago
BestSinceDay1 commented…
So true over a year ago
LukasQuincy commented…
I know! There are so many different things! over a year ago
JDupres2012 commented…
This made me laugh so hard! So true, and so sad that it is true! over a year ago
LukasQuincy said about Stereopony
Stereopony are so amazing and it sucks that they broke up Posted over a year ago